Want to live life drawn by love and not driven by fear?
As your coach, I’ll help you get unstuck so that you can take action in a way that aligns with your Christ-centered beliefs!
Are you finding that your...
is unfulfilling or out of balance, but you’re uncertain about what you really want to do?
is all about fire-fighting, but you’re unsure of how to reoptimize your life through your routines?
is going nowhere, but you lack confidence about making the next move?
...and are you someone who believes your...
...needs to be connected to any moves you make in these areas?
as a Christian Life Coach,
I can help you get unblocked.
Hello, I'm Cat, a Christian life coach based in Singapore.
For over a decade, I worked in education. I taught IP students, trained teachers, spearheaded national talent development programs, wrote national curriculum and crafted policies.
Though I was conferred opportunities, promotions and an overseas Master's scholarship, my working life wasn't congruent with who I was. I was driven to work not by my aspirations or desires but by my fears--fears that kept me stuck in a life that cost me my dreams of starting a family, physical and mental health, passions, and calling in life.
My turning point came through coaching as the conversations brought up the deepest parts of myself that were holding me back. In unearthing the inner obstacles and ungodly beliefs that were going against God’s truths, I came to insights that helped me design my own solutions and gave me the courage to take action. As a result, I now have work that not only lets me live but is also life-giving.
Now, I coach other believers to break free from self-limiting beliefs to live in harmony with God’s purposes for their lives.
Get coached to bring up the hidden parts of yourself so that they can be examined in the light of the Gospel. Through coaching, get free of self-imposed barriers standing in the way of goals you've only been dreaming about. With me as your Christian coach, get connected with your God-given desires, talents, and experiences so that you can step forward into the plans He has for you!
If you're ready to live drawn by love and not driven by fear in your work, daily routines or your love life, then...
But what exactly is coaching?
As the client, you... | As the coach, I help you... |
Coaching is a self-induced and self-directed transformation that you go through with the help of a coach.
Meaning: I don't tell you what you to do but help you figure it out for yourself!
Connect for a complimentary session!
Before you - or I! - commit to a coaching engagement, it’s important that we get on the same page in terms of understanding what coaching is and how it can help you.
At this complimentary chemistry session, we’ll be:
This 0.5 hour session is completely free, with no obligation to continue if it we recognize that this intervention is not for you.
Chemistry sessions will be conducted over Google Meets or in-person (only for Singapore-based clients).